Sunday, 13 January 2013

Week 12 - Figure Drawing Facial Expression

Figure Drawing concentrating on Facial Expression

This is a 20-minute drawing using a graphite stick. This drawing shows the facial expression produced from the model. The figure has used his arms to rest on which pushes his hands into his face, scrunching up the face and creating folds within the skin.

The model appears to look slightly worried with the expression from his eyes. The expression on the models face should have been drawn more relaxed. The widths of his eyes have been drawn too wide making his eyes look very piercing creating a slightly worried expression upon his face.

Shading has been used to draw detail to the face emphasising on the expression of the figures face and creating detail within the folds of skin and shadow created from the spot light used for this drawing. There is a great contrast of lighting from the left side of the face to the right where the light is much stronger on one side to the other. The light picks out the raised areas within the face while the shadows creates a very detailed sense of depth.

This drawing has been very successful with showing detail upon the face. Getting the measuring correct is very difficult with getting the hands in the correct proportion and position with the face. This has been done very well and shows accurate proportions making this drawing look very realistic. However, the eyes may be slightly out of proportion especially the left eye which creates a bit of an unnecessary focal point within this drawing. However, with improving upon this could create a very successful drawing.

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